Thursday, August 20, 2015

God > This World's Dark Side

I've been learning something this past year. Something I constantly have to remind myself. Actually, God has to keep reminding me because I'm always forgetting it.

The past year our world has been filled with pretty extreme horrific's

  • Shootings in schools and theaters
  • Bombings at events
  • Terrorists in the middle east

But it's not just been the physically harmful attacks that have taken to the extremes.

  • Laws changing against our very foundation as a nation as Christians
  • Scandals exposing flaws in others only to tear them down
  • God's beautiful gifts to us all distorted, misused, and perverted 

Those things alone make me want to run and hide under my covers. Never unlock my door. Never walk the street. Never go to a movie. Never trust another living soul. {Psalms 116:10-12}
It's scary, this world we live in today. Looking ahead I feel like the world is so bleak that I don't want to move forward.  
I want to stay isolated in my own little world where seemingly nothing can hurt me. 


What better strategy for Satan than to scare us into hiding away from the very world Jesus came into to save us? To believe that by hiding we are somehow safe from any and all harm?
Jesus came into the world, faced the same prince of darkness with his tricks and lies, and then died a cruel death he didn't deserve. 

Something I heard recently in a sermon that has stuck with me whenever I begin to feel/think this way. 


What that means is we are never alone. We never have to worry about who is against because we have someone even bigger than our fears backing us up. We have someone leading the way who will never steer us the wrong way.

God says in Isaiah 40:10, "Don't be afraid, for I am with you. Don't be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you. I will uphold you with my victorious right hand."

God promises us when the days ahead seem dark and scary that we won't be alone. He promises when the world tries to drag us down he will give us strength to stand. He promises to hold us up as we stand boldly in his victory over the darkness.

This world is going to get pretty dark. But God has promised a new dawn for all those who believe in him and accept his son as their one true savior. So then what am I worried about? <3  

"What can I offer the Lord for all he has done for me? I will lift up a cup symbolizing his salvation; I will praise the Lord's name for saving me. " ~Psalms 116:13

What do you fear about our world today? What are some more of God's promises that have helped you through the darkness? How can we start trusting him more with our future?

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

'Cause It's Not Easy

It's hard making new friends really. Even at twenty-five; I actually think it's harder as you get older. As you grow with each relationship, so do your expectations of what you want in future ones.

For me, all I ever wanted was a friend who I could laugh with and share all my secrets with. Never to feel like if I told my personal thoughts that I might be rejected because of them. Someone to trust with my heart for a little while.

I've had friends like that come and go in my life. Right now, I've had to say goodbye to my old friends and have been trying to make new ones but I find myself guarded around them. More than I've ever been before in my life. Not because I'm incredibly shy, I'm dying to share with these new friends of mine. But... they don't seem to be as invested as I am. They only ask, "What have you been up to? Read any good books or watch any good movies lately?"

Not that I mind those questions, I love talking about all those things but I want something deeper. I want to talk about more than just what's on the very surface. I want to go beyond the exterior shell. To peel back the layers of the mask we all wear. I want to talk about the things we only think about. I want to be open and vulnerable. I want to know that I'm not the only one who thinks or feels.

I want to talk about Jesus.

I want to grow with friends who are aiming towards Heaven.

I want to share the miracles and glories of God and be able to say to them, "Isn't He wonderful?"

I want to learn more about Him together and grow in faith and strength, forming bonds that as God says is not easily broken. {Ecc 4:12}

Thinking back on it now, I've never really had those kinds of earthly friendships. Sure I've had a few where I've shared some of my most inner thoughts but what's the point if you don't spiritually grow from them?

That's the thing, when you add Jesus into the picture everything changes. There's purpose in friendship when you add Christ to the mix. That's what I've been noticing in past and current friendships. The ones I thought would last forever have ended and the ones I'm trying to make now won't peel back let down their guard.

I can't force my expectations on them, but I had hoped we would have a few things in common regarding our lives in Christ. But when I try to bring it up they pull away from me. They're afraid my beliefs won't align with their own.

But I ask, how else are you to find out but to invite one another over to talk about it?

I'm the last person you will ever hear say, "I enjoy being in a good debate." No way! They are exhausting beyond all reason! But I think being able to share our feelings and thoughts on Jesus is a growing experience and doesn't have to be or should be a debate.

"God is good all the time. All the time God is good." ~God's Not Dead

That should always be the point to every topic of discussion or debate. ;) Wouldn't you agree?

As I was waiting in the car the other day, I got to thinking about, wondering, is this how Jesus feels about all of those who reject him as their friend?

How real that question becomes when you yourself have faced with rejection. Like me, Jesus doesn't want to force us into a relationship with him, he wants us to come of our own will and desire. He wants us to invest our time and attention, let down our guards and open up to him too. That's when this song from Pete's Dragon started playing in my head.

"'Cause it's not easy
To find someone who cares
It's not easy
To find magic in pairs
I'm glad I found him
I love him
I won't let him get away
'Cause it's not easy" ~Pete's Dragon

I feel truly fortunate for the gift of friendship Jesus has offered me. He is always by my side, he cares about me, and he wants me around ALL the time! He knows how it feels to be rejected, he knows the pain.

I'm not so sad about not making new friends. Now that I know the pain of rejection I can appreciate my friendship with Christ more than I did before. It is so hard to make friends here on earth, but it's so easy to become friends with Jesus. His arms and heart are open wide to anyone who wants his friendship.

"I no longer call you servants, because a master doesn't confide in his servants. Now you are my friends, since I have told you everything the Father told me." ~John 15:15

Friday, July 3, 2015

Jesus is my Freedom

This holiday weekend approaches and many of us are preparing to celebrate our nation's day of Independence, thoughts of our nation's history and the events, the sacrifices that led us here, ever fleeting. 

However, it's been all I could think about. The lives lost and pain endured to allow us to live free. Free to worship God and praise his Holy name and share his Word with fellow countrymen. I sat here in dismay, overwhelmed this week at the things happening in the world today and wondering how the future might look tomorrow. It was a scary few moments, but then I remembered a greater sacrifice begging remembrance this Independence Day. 

Jesus Christ. His life paid the cost, his blood shed on the cross, for my freedom so I would no longer be lost. {1 Peter 1:18-29}

"I pledge allegiance to the Christian flag and to the Savior, those whose Kingdom it stands, one Savior crucified, risen, and coming again, with life and liberty for all who believe." ~Dan Quayle
I've long since given my life over to the Lord. The chains of sin no longer keeping my soul apart from God. Through Jesus I can speak to him all the day long. {Romans 5:6-10} Remembering Jesus's ultimate sacrifice chased away my fears and renewed my hope. 

God is in control and Jesus has paid for our true freedom. 

Prayer: Safe travels this weekend and may God fill your hearts with joy and confidence assurance of his goodness, kindness, and love. That you remain hopeful and continue to seek our Father in Heaven in everything you do. Bless the broken people who have given up so much for us and this country, bless their families too. May we always remember your son and what he did for us. In Jesus name, Amen.

"I will walk in freedom, for I have devoted myself to your commandments." -- Psalms 119:45 NLT

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

The Little Things - Introduction

I'm so excited to start this blog, an extension of MissTadoodles Blog! The reason I've created a new blog rather than just post under my main blog is I really want The Little Things to be it's main focus. Because we forget the things that matter and take for granted the very things that make us who God created us to be. All it takes is someone reminding our hearts of what matters that can make the difference in even just one person's life, and yours!
{Hebrews 10:24}

This isn't going to be just another blog, like so many out there, where you hear only opinions of what matter. {Proverbs 3:5} No, that's not the point of this blog at all. It's sharing the truth straight from the Word of God and my heart. {John 17:17-18, Proverbs 4:21-22} My hope is to encourage you with God's word and help open your hearts to Jesus.

"Without wavering, let us hold tightly to the hope we say we have, for God can be trusted to keep his promises.
"And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage and warn each other, especially now that the day of his coming back again is drawing near." -- Hebrews 10:23, 25 NLT